General terms and conditions (GTC)
Special agreements
Cancellation policy:
- Cancellations are valid only in writing.
- Cancellation is free of charge up to 30 days before arrival.
- From 29 days to 8 days before arrival 70 % of the booking amount will be charged as cancellation fee.
- From 7 days to 1 day before arrival 90 % of the booking amount will be charged as cancellation fee.
Supplementary agreement Super.Summer.Card. Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis:
The GTC of the Super.Summer.Card. apply additionally during the summer and autumn season (June - October).
Supplementary agreement ski pass Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis:
The GTC regarding the ski pass Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis apply additionally during the winter season (December - April).
Unless special agreements exist, the general terms and conditions of the hotel industry (GTCH) apply.
As amended on 08.04.2023